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    Few Reasons Why Relationships Fail

    Relationships aren’t always rainbows and butterflies. Once the honeymoon stage is over, reality starts to kick in.

    It takes a lot of work to make a relationship succeed, but it takes two to tango. After a number of months have passed, a lot of couples encounter a speed bump and these bumps can lead partners to the wrong direction, resulting to a break up or a divorce.

    A Few Reasons Why Relationships Fail

     To avoid a failed relationship, it is essential to spot the relationship killers ahead of time. That way, there is a better chance in saving the troubled relationship. There are a lot of reasons why a relationship could fail, but listed in this article are the top reasons.

     Life Issues

    Each of us have our own load to carry. Sometimes, this load can be too much for one person to handle. It could be a family problem or an issue with a past relationship.

     A person who still keeps in touch with an ex can ignite distrust, suspicion, and jealousy with the current flame and puts a strain in the relationship.

     To overcome this, inform the ex that everything is in the past and you are serious with the person you’re with. Children from a previous relationship can also affect the current relationship. Make sure you know how to handle this.

     Dull Daily Routines

     The excitement in a relationship could subside if everything becomes a routine. When couples tend to do the same thing over and over again, there is a chance they stop growing as partner.

     Either one of you could come up with something fun to do or go on a vacation to spice up the relationship. Talk about the some enjoyable things that you can do together.


     It’s hard enough being in a relationship and maintaining it. What makes it even more difficult is a third party. Unfaithfulness is the ultimate destroyer.

     Most relationships end because of a cheating partner. It’s not easy when a person is being cheated on and it can cause such emotional turmoil to the point that the betrayed person chooses to walk away from the relationship.

     It is useless being in a relationship when trust has been broken.

     Disgusting habits and behaviors

     Loving someone has to be unconditional. This means that you need to accept him or her for who he or she is, flaws and all.

    However, there are just some mannerisms or habits that can be quite annoying to the point where someone might walk away from the relationship because of them. Simple things like not putting the toilet seat back down, leaving dirty clothes on the floor, or not putting the cap back on the toothpaste can trigger a person to end the relationship.

     Other negative things that can also end a relationship is fighting in public, nagging, physical abuse, degrading your partner, unreasonable jealousy, and lying. Normal adults should be capable of knowing what is wrong and what is not.

    Each of us needs to do some self-reflecting and change for the better if we want the relationship to work out. We have to change our most of our flaws to make our partners happy.

    Lack of Communication 

    Regular communication is vital for couples and is one way of connecting to one another. Poor communication will let couples eventually drift apart.

    A person often assumes what his or her partner is thinking and unfortunately, this is where arguments and misunderstandings begin.

     Open up to your significant other and always let one another know how you feel. If there is something he or she does that you don’t like, let that person know so he would be aware. Join activities that would improve the communication in your relationship.

     Not being supportive 

    Some couples go through issues with their ambitions, goals, or careers. It is normal for each person to have their own goal and ambition.

    It can be tough when it causes conflict in the relationship. There will be times when a person’s career gets in the way of spending more time with his or her partner.

     To avoid strain in the relationship, it is best to support each other’s interests. A relationship will have better chances of working out when you have one another’s back.

    Think of it this way – it is for both of your future and in the end, you’ll both benefit from it. However, always make sure you don’t spend too much time with work. Always set time aside for your partner.

     Money problems

     Financial issues can cause a relationship’s downfall. Couples who have money problems can cause stress, therefore, the individuals involved can be irrational, irritable, and hostile. These behaviours can slowly eventually cause a break up.

     From the get go, be honest about your financial status; let your partner know about your spending habits. Make a strict budget before the schedule of both your pay days.

     Create a spreadsheet with all your expenditures and make sure you set aside money for savings in case there will be “rainy days”. Know and understand the difference between wants and needs and focus on the latter. This way, you can easily overcome financial concerns.

     Conflicts with boyfriend or girlfriend’s family and friends

     You and your partner have your own set of friends. Unfortunately, there are instances where you don’t like his or her friends or he or she doesn’t like your friends.

     This can sometimes cause stress in the relationship. Even more so if you or your partner doesn’t get along with family members.

    It can get really uncomfortable when there are family gatherings or holiday dinners. In order to create a long lasting relationship, do your part in getting along with his or her family and friends.

     Not having enough intimacy and sex

     Couples can often be too busy with their careers they become too tired to be intimate with their partner. For relationships, this is not a good thing. Connecting with one another by getting intimate physically and emotionally can help you both relax and fight stress.

     When a couple has been together for too long, they tend to have less sex. But the can prevent this from happening. They can visit an intimacy mentor who can help them find the fire they had when they were in the early stages of the relationship.

     The intimacy coach can help them connect and give advice on how they can maintain an active sex life in spite of being together for years. You don’t necessarily have to have sex every day; studies say at least once a week is fine.

     If there are children involved, it can get pretty hectic, so make sure the frequency and timing is discussed and planned. Intimate connection through sex is fundamental in a romantic relationship. 

    When a couple is not having enough sex, something should be done to save the relationship. Are you in a relationship with a fading spark? All is not lost. A sacred intimacy mentor can help you get the spark you had during the early stages of courtship.

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