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    Nine (9) Wondorous Things You Shouldn’t Do After A Break Up

    Nine (9) Wondorous Things You Shouldn’t Do After A Break Up
    #1. Don’t Stalk him/her.

    You’re way too smart to stalk him or her physically after your breakup. Of course you are…BUT…on social media? That’s tempting. Facebook, Twitter, BBM (blackberry messenger), instagram, his/her blog. Never!

    Do you really want to torture yourself with each new female friend he adds and see cute little comments from babes/ guys you know were interested in him/her in the past? You don’t need to know where he or she’s going or who he or she’s going with. It hurts. Move on.

    #2. Don’t Stay friends. 

    There is no way you can remain friends with an ex if you still have feelings for him. You can eventually be friends but not immediately after a breakup. Haba! Give yourself some time.

    Remaining friends only gives him/her permission to treat you like crap while he/she borrows money from you, has occasional $ex with you when he can’t find anyone else, and sometimes lean on
    you for emotional support when he has a bad day!

    Accept the truth. He’s not going to change his mind and realize breaking up with you was a bad idea. He’s just going to use you until he finds someone to take your place. So please, DO NOT stay friends with him for now!

    #3. Do not Isolate yourself
    You’re way too fabulous and amazing to be shut- in. Do not stay cooped inside your room all day with the blinds shut. You’ll do yourself more harm than good. Get out! Go to the beach on its busiest days. (We have so many in Nigeria, especially in lagos).

    Attend events, not those emotional stage plays. Take some risks! Meet with some of your crazy energetic friends at the club. Wear red lipstick and some killer stillettos and work it because you can.

    #4. Don’t waste energy on revenge

    Revenge is utter crap. Don’t get even. Get over it.

    #5. Do not tell “your story” to everyone
    Almost everyone falls victim to this. Hold back. Don’t tell everybody how you’ve been wronged. Boooooooooring! Save it.

    The longer you hold on to “your story” and keep soliciting sympathy, the longer it will take you to move forward…and we don’t want your friends to dump you, too. (That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk to someone about it. The emphasis here is telling ‘EVERYONE’).

    #6. Don’t be “on the hunt”.

    Don’t jump on the relationship bandwagon too soon. Contrary to the general belief, the best way to get over a guy/lady is not to date another one immediately. Take your time. Enjoy your new Freedom.

    #7. Do not listen to ‘Adele

    Someone like you’ on repeat I guess that’s self-explanatory.

    #8. Don’t think your Facebook page is going to convince him to come back
    I have a friend who made up a boyfriend just to make her ex jealous. She changed her status, her photos, she changed her BBM display picture and Facebook profile picture to her and a hot dude hugging tightly. But what did the ex think? When i asked him, i discovered he didn’t even notice. So, yes, in most cases, it doesn’t work.

    #9. Do not turn to alcohol.

    Drowning our sorrows in bottles of beer can sometimes seem pretty appealing. The chances are, you’ll get drunk and then make one or more of the other mistakes on this list.

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